Finding new
solutions to the
timeless challenges
of communication

requires a mastery not just of technology, or of the history of publishing, but rather of an entire spectrum of disciplines from graphic design to sociology to electronic payment processing. When those lessons are applied to specific industries, the inquiry then broadens even further, to the infinite range of substantive details that define a competitive advantage in modern commercial life.

At Uhlig, this intellectual challenge is
a fundamental part of our company
and our working lives, and offers an

The intellectual challenges posed by modern communication offer an inexhaustible opportunity for improvement and innovation. inexhaustible
opportunity for
and innovation.
Whether we are
treatment paths
and touchpoints
for breast cancer
patients, or
exploring new
methods for facilitating and underwriting residential mortgages, the scope of our interests and investigations continues to grow, and the boundaries of our work keep expanding.

Our research efforts also focus heavily on workflow-related efficiencies that can transform the economics of traditional publishing (above).

The development of new products and industry-specific solutions typically requires several years, but the result of such research and planning is a level of insight and integration that yields continuing value and serves as a foundation for further innovation (above).

Our research efforts also focus heavily on workflow-related efficiencies that can transform the economics of traditional publishing (lower left).

In addition to the internal research
we conduct to support our product development and operations, we actively participate in collaborative initiatives in areas that affect our work, such as the design of new, validated methods for measuring the quality of patient engagement or the development of reliable survey and voting tools for use on mobile devices. In the technical realm, we also invest heavily in new methods to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of the text, images and data we deliver.

Because so many of the problems and opportunities of communication have been addressed in differing forms for thousands of years, we also support scholarly efforts to document and understand the technologies that have preceded us, from production of ancient Mesopotamian tablets to the evolution of modern type fonts. In each of those innovations, we find valuable insights into our own work, and the building blocks of the world-changing innovations that still lie ahead.

A list of some of our current research initiatives appears below.  

Residential Mortgage Disclosures

Given the far-reaching consequences of residential mortgage banking decisions, as reflected in the recent housing crisis, we have applied our experience in residential markets to the task of developing new, more efficient tools for managing risk and encouraging standardization and transparency in underwriting.

Treatment Paths and Care Transitions

As medical therapies become more sophisticated, they require increasing attention to the management of treatment paths and care transitions. At Uhlig, we believe that understanding those inflection points from a medical, economic and social point of view will be a prerequisite for the effective delivery of future patient-centered care.

Electronic Payment Standards

As information and commerce converge through online and mobile platforms,
secure electronic payment tools and identity verification have become a necessary element of nearly all communication solutions. For that reason, their adoption and standardization has become an important focus of research in this rapidly changing field.

“Judge a person by
their questions
than their answers.”

— Voltaire