When we work to
create value for others,
we understand that goal
in its broadest and most
inclusive sense,

taking into account all the benefits and consequences of our actions. We do not shift costs by forcing the burden of pollution or other environmental damage onto third parties. Neither do we take from future generations by exhausting the non-renewable resources that are our planet’s priceless patrimony.

Viewed from this perspective, the idea of sustainability is not a trend or slogan, but the very essence of fairness and common sense. Anything less than an environmentally sustainable business process cannot qualify as a business at all, but rather is simply a form of cheating someone else – a neighbor, a great-grandchild – of what is rightfully theirs.

For cross-media solutions that
involve physical deliverables, Uhlig
is committed to certified, renewable
paper sources, and requires the
planting of 17 new trees for
every tree consumed.

We believe that environmental costs
– now and for future generations –
must be an essential part of every
business decision.

At Uhlig, sustainability has been an
integral consideration from the first
day we opened our doors – not
merely as a part of our own
operations, but as a central goal of
the solutions we bring to our
customers. At the same time that
our targeted, cross-media solutions
save money and increase business
performance, they radically reduce
waste and optimize the use of

is not just a
integral part
of our own
but a central
benefit of the
solutions we
bring to our
With respect
to physical
that require the
use of paper, for example, we
require the planting of roughly 17 new trees for each tree worth of paper we use, producing important net reforestation in the tropical regions that are so important for our planet’s future.

Internally, too, we have long made sustainability and environmental responsibility a primary objective, from the fuel-efficiency of our commercial vehicles to the continuous monitoring and optimization of our facilities’ energy requirements to our company-wide recycling and waste management. Taken together, these practices help us ensure that the value we create never comes at someone else’s expense, and that our company and our planet will thrive together in harmony for many generations to come.

“When one tugs at a
single thing in nature,
he finds it attached to
the rest of the world.”

— John Muir